There was a period in my life when I felt stuck. It seemed I was at the effect of decisions that were “out of my control”. I considered myself a victim to my circumstances. Relocating over, and over, and over again once more was no picnic. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t miserable. Things were certainly “good enough”. But at a certain point, I felt like I was going through the motions of my life.
To power through I put my head down and became wrapped up “doing” mode. I found solace in the day-to-day business of life "on the move". There was a part of me that knew this was a short-term solution. I had an inner knowing that I wanted to make changes – a tiny voice that kept getting louder and louder: “This is not the life I ordered”. “Hello, anyone home?” “Pay attention, you’re not listening.” However, the challenge was that I had no idea how to start. I couldn’t see any way out. It all felt overwhelming. In retrospect (which of course is 20/20) I can see the main limitation had been the fact I had been operating under a very constricted level of awareness. My default ways of thinking caused me to only see narrow possibilities and few solutions. Of course, since I kept repeating the same thinking patterns, and actions, my outcomes never changed. It is no wonder I felt frustrated, hopeless, and stuck. So here’s the crazy thing - once I started elevating my self-awareness by shining a light on my belief systems, values, thoughts, feelings, and emotional responses that had been previously operating on an unconscious level – it was like turning on a light. We can only change the things we are aware of. Through my IPEC coaching program, I've been trained in administering and debriefing the ELI - a proprietary tool that does just that. It is uncannily accurate and it can show you what thought patterns might be keeping you stuck and what triggers might be holding you back from achieving the goals you want to see in your life. Had I known about his tool, it would have saved me years of soul-searching because, as we know, awareness is the first and most important step to creating change. Interested in finding out more about this empirically tested assessment that will jumpstart your awareness and get you moving forward again? Contact me and let’s schedule a complimentary, no-obligation session to explore. Let's get you moving again!
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Alison DeutschBased on her unique life experiences, and certifications in the science of positive psychology and the art of life coaching, Alison offers practical wisdom that helps women navigate midlife transitions with clarity and confidence. Archives
October 2018
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