In June I gave a talk on the newly released book The Happiness Curve: Why Life Gets Better After 50 by Jonathan Rauch. Following on the heels of two high profile celebrity suicides, the talk felt more poignant. I shared the latest research from the fields of psychology, economics, and neuroscience that indicates happiness, when normalized for situational factors such as health, income and career fulfillment, follows a U-shape curve. The big Aha! - aging itself affects our life satisfaction. In other words, even when our lives are objectively great, feelings of disappointment, malaise, and discomfort in midlife are perfectly normal. The primary cause of our malaise is the gap between how satisfied we actually feel versus how satisfied we believe we should feel. Rauch explains that the dip in our life satisfaction occurs when the hard work of realigning our happiness expectations is being done. Until this readjustment happens, we get hit from two directions at once - feeling both disappointment about our past and pessimistic about the future; a recipe for misery. Interestingly, apes suffer the same dip in fulfillment through their life span and humans are one of only three known species where females long outlive their fertility years. Combined, these factors have led scientists to theorize there is a biological component hardwired in our DNA that serves a broader evolutionary purpose. Rausch writes: “The curve seems to be imprinted on our biology to repurpose us for a changing role in society as we age – a role that is less about ambition and competition and more about connection and compassion. It’s a time when we stop focusing on acquiring – family, home, career, and financial assets and start to invest outward into the next generation, the community or a cause.” Whether we experience an existential crisis at the bottom of the happiness curve or make the turn gradually, we are led to the same direction: toward others and toward wisdom. The “grandmother wisdom hypothesis” goes like this: since society as a whole benefit when elders promote the common good above self-interest, the restlessness, stress, and disappointment felt through midlife are growing pains intended to serve as a signal it’s time to reflect, reassess, and recalibrate. The underlying purpose of the discomfort is to motivate us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, become less judgmental, develop patience and ultimately realign our lives with our values - to live more wisely. Sign up to receive SPARKS My Newsletter for Women Navigating Midlife Thank you!Your subscription to our list has been confirmed. Alison Deutsch Coaching Understanding that our underlying malaise is a perfectly normal life stage that serves a broader purpose is helpful, but it also got me wondering: Pain in midlife might be inevitable, but must we suffer through it; how can we navigate the trough with more joy and ease? One way is to accelerate the acquisition of wisdom. It is not enough to intellectually study, we must also do things differently to experience transformation. The benefits are well worth the effort, with applied wisdom we can experience more balance and equanimity; more contentedness and less regret; and more comfort with inner and outer ambivalence and conflict. The main take-away from the book is this - being satisfied in midlife is possible, it’s just harder. If we don’t have our values front and center we can stay stuck in the U. One of Rauch’s suggestion to help travel through the U faster and even change the shape of the U is to work with a coach, because he writes, “the primary goal of coaching is to help clients clarify their values and align their life with them.” Navigating the happiness curve does not have to be a do-it-yourself project where we all have to start from scratch. We can seek support to help us navigate the dip with more joy and ease and come out on the other side with the clarity, confidence, and peace of mind that comes with knowing we can handle anything that comes our way. Midlife pain might be inevitable. The suffering, however, is optional.
Midlife malaise is a signal to pause and realign our lives with our values
Tool Kit
Here's an exercise to put in your wisdom tool kit and get you started on the path towards greater self-knowledge. It’s an exercise created with my colleague Wendy Van Besien to help you reconnect to your deepest values so you can use them as guideposts in your life.
For the better part of a decade I felt stuck. I knew I wanted to make changes in my life, yet I had no idea where to begin. Unbeknownst to me, I was trapped in a victim story that was unwittingly self-sabotaging my efforts.
I also felt ashamed. How could I, a woman who seemingly had it all - happily married, two healthy children, wanting for nothing materially - how could I be discontent? What was wrong with me? The combination of my malaise, fear, and indecision led to frustration and a sense of overwhelm. I read self-help books, talked to friends, worked with therapists. However, these actions felt more like a Band-Aid; while I felt better in the short term, I never got to the root cause of my dissatisfaction. Discouraged, and tired of spinning my wheels I tried a new approach: I hired my first coach. While working with a life coach I learned it was my perceptions about my life that were creating my discontent. She helped me uncover what was really holding me back and gave me the tools, resources, and accountability to make the changes I desired. Knowing is not enough; to create change we must put that knowledge into action and make different choices. My first significant breakthrough was my commitment to return to school to become certified in Applied Positive Psychology – the science of wellbeing. Even before the formal classes started, I picked up the book Positivity by Barbara Fredrickson. Though the title sounded too good to be true, the book delivered. It was my first exposure to the scientific research that showed fostering positive emotions like joy, gratitude, and hope opens our awareness to a wider range of thoughts and broadens our ideas about possible actions we can take. Sign up to receive SPARKS My Newsletter for Women Navigating Midlife Thank you!
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Here are some of the proven benefits the cumulative effect of positive emotions have over time:
Spiritually Experiencing serenity sparks our urge to savor our current circumstances and integrate them into a new view of ourselves and the world around us. Physically Fostering a positive state improves cardiovascular health, coordination, sleep, immune function, and also reduces inflammation. Intellectually Elevating curiosity sparks our urge to explore and learn; it is easier for us to consider multiple ways to reach a goal and to find several solutions to problems. Relationally Positivity helps to make others more open and willing to cooperate, fostering better connections with family and colleagues. Emotionally Cultivating joy sparks the urge to play and be creative, we become more optimistic, resilient, open, accepting, and driven by purpose. I am a JOY EVANGELIST because from the moment I started to actively cultivate more joy, gratitude, and hope in my own life, everything began to shift. While my outer circumstances didn’t change, my perspective did, and that was all I needed to get unstuck. The best part: positive emotions always exist within. Once we learn how to access these emotions more consistently, we can tap into this free, infinitely-renewable resource. Almost a decade has passed since I began this latest phase of my journey, guided by mentors and coaches who have supported my growth. There are times I still find myself feeling fear, indecision and overwhelm; after all change will always be a part of life. But today, as a zealot for positive emotions, boosting joy has become the go-to in my tool box because I know it is often the kick start I need to break the cycle of stuck and get myself moving again. Not to mention it's fun - and we can always use some fun in our lives!
Positive emotions are the sparks we need to ignite change and keep moving!
Jolt of Joy
To hear more about my personal transformation and learn tips on how you can rewrite the disempowering story that might be keeping you stuck, I invite you to listen to the Reignite Your Light podcast : “The Joy Evangelist.” |
Alison DeutschBased on her unique life experiences, and certifications in the science of positive psychology and the art of life coaching, Alison offers practical wisdom that helps women navigate midlife transitions with clarity and confidence. Archives
October 2018
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