Special Resources for Covid 19
Reset. Recover. Rewire. The 3 R’s of Stress Relief
This toolkit shares the simple, minor shifts you can make in how you do everyday things and bring about significant changes in your levels of stress.
This toolkit shares the simple, minor shifts you can make in how you do everyday things and bring about significant changes in your levels of stress.
Respond to Worry With Compassion
Worry is a perfectly normal response to the global pandemic, but it's not always helpful. Worse yet, when you judge yourself for being weak, you only add to your stress levels. Download this exercise to learn how to teach your brain to respond to worry with compassion.
Worry is a perfectly normal response to the global pandemic, but it's not always helpful. Worse yet, when you judge yourself for being weak, you only add to your stress levels. Download this exercise to learn how to teach your brain to respond to worry with compassion.
How to Manage Unhelpful Worry
Check out this decision tree to help you figure out if the worry you're experiencing is “helpful” - an actual problem you can do something about or “unhelpful” - a hypothetical situation that might exist in the future.
Check out this decision tree to help you figure out if the worry you're experiencing is “helpful” - an actual problem you can do something about or “unhelpful” - a hypothetical situation that might exist in the future.
Practice Postponing Worry
Experiment with postponing your worries by deliberating setting aside a specific yet limited time to do nothing but worry. Download this worksheet to learn more.
Experiment with postponing your worries by deliberating setting aside a specific yet limited time to do nothing but worry. Download this worksheet to learn more.
Assessments to Reconnect to Yourself
ReDiscover Assessment
This proprietary tool uncovers your current beliefs and attitudes that keep you stuck.
This proprietary tool uncovers your current beliefs and attitudes that keep you stuck.
SPIRE Check-In Exercise
Take time to check-in with yourself - shine a light on what's working well (so you can do more of it) and identify actions you can start taking to be happier.
Take time to check-in with yourself - shine a light on what's working well (so you can do more of it) and identify actions you can start taking to be happier.
Resources to Spark Your Own Ahas!
If you're like me, and are interested in how and why the interventions I share work, head on over to my Pinterest page and check out the articles, TED Talks, and books I recommend. While you're there, be sure to follow me - I'm always adding new content.
If you're like me, and are interested in how and why the interventions I share work, head on over to my Pinterest page and check out the articles, TED Talks, and books I recommend. While you're there, be sure to follow me - I'm always adding new content.
5 Books for Women Navigating Midlife
Check out my favorite books to help women navigate midlife with more joy.
Check out my favorite books to help women navigate midlife with more joy.
Navigating Mid-Life with help from Brené Brown
Brené Brown is my personal favorite, I’ve read everyone of her books - at least twice. When people ask which one I recommend I say start where you are. Check out this workbook with brief book summaries, key insights, and my favorite quotes.
Brené Brown is my personal favorite, I’ve read everyone of her books - at least twice. When people ask which one I recommend I say start where you are. Check out this workbook with brief book summaries, key insights, and my favorite quotes.
Tools to Jolt Your Joy!
9 Proven Ways to Boost Your Joy
Learn the simple things you can do to start getting unstuck.
Learn the simple things you can do to start getting unstuck.
Exercises to Realign Your Life
Reconnect to Your Deepest Values & Use Them As Guideposts
When you get clear about your values, it's easier to make important decisions.
When you get clear about your values, it's easier to make important decisions.
Unlock your Inner Voice
Rediscover that wise, calm and loving personal guide within.
Rediscover that wise, calm and loving personal guide within.
How to Be More Optimistic
Learn to be optimistic and become happier, healthier, and more productive.
Learn to be optimistic and become happier, healthier, and more productive.
Make Friends With Your Inner Critic
Break free from your harsh inner critic - move out of decision paralysis caused by self-doubt.
Break free from your harsh inner critic - move out of decision paralysis caused by self-doubt.